May 13-14, 2025

Long Beach, California

May 13-14, 2025

Long Beach, California

Unlocking California's Hydrogen Potential

Hilary Norton

Hilary Norton

California Transportation Commission

Hilary Norton’s career spans over 32 years in government, urban development, and transportation.  Throughout Hilary’s professional life, she has worked to uplift women, increase safety and improve economic opportunity.

Hilary was one of Governor Gavin Newsom first appointees to the California Transportation Commission in September 2019 and was reappointed to a second term in February 2023.  Hilary was elected Vice Chair of the CTC in 2020 and Chair in August 2020 and re-elected in January 2021.  As CTC Commissioner, Hilary has implemented the Governor's vision to transform the transportation sector to from diesel to zero emissions, create new transportation investment vision for California and empower equity-based investment – such as the California Action Plan for Transportation and Infrastructure (CAPTI) and the Equity Advisory Committee (EAC), and CTC’s SB 671 report to move California’s freight corridors to hydrogen and electric power.  As one of 13 CTC Commissioners, Hilary works with CTC Commission staff led by CTC Executive Director Tanisha Taylor, Governor Gavin Newsom, the state legislature, the Secretary of the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) and staff, and the Director of Caltrans and staff to invest over $8 billion annually in SB1 gas tax funds in transformative infrastructure investments to improve mobility, promote sustainability, create equitable access to jobs and housing, and bolster California's economy.  

Hilary is also Executive Director of FASTLinkDTLA TMO, where she works with businesses, independent contractors, visitors, and greater Downtown Los Angeles community members to facilitate use of transit, microtransit, paratransit and active transportation in order to reduce single occupant driving by 75% by 2030.  FASTLinkDTLA promotes women owned mobility systems, and supports mobility options that improve lives at all income levels and provide mobility for all, such as Metro’s Express Lanes and rail network, Butterfli WAV system, the Los Angeles Streetcar, the Olympic Festival Trail, and ensuring that Downtown Los Angeles’ mobility and sidewalk infrastructure support people of all travel abilities.

Hilary holds a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, and a bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science from Wellesley College.