May 13-14, 2025

Long Beach, California

May 13-14, 2025

Long Beach, California

Unlocking California's Hydrogen Potential

Adam Wasserman

Adam Wasserman

Managing Partner
Global Logistics Development Partners

Adam Wasserman is GLDPartners Managing Partner and has a senior background in airport and seaport transport asset strategy, project finance, infrastructure development, seaports management and public policy. Adam has an extensive knowledge of transportation, global logistics, infrastructure, economic development and finance, and has used this blend of experience to produce real-world delivery results.
Adam has led GLDPartners’ global project growth over the past fifteen years, resulting in the firm now being recognized as a leading-edge transportation and infrastructure investment and advisory firm. Adam leads GLDPartners, and the TradePort Development Corporation in its work to develop the cleanest and most efficient trade and logistics corridors in the world. These Corridors include a state-of-the-art integration of clean energy, logistics and industrial infrastructure at strategic TradePort Hubs.
Adam has overseen the firm’s transformational project work including the Thailand Eastern Economic Corridor Airport and Seaport Investment System, Mississippi Gulfport Container Terminal project, Lyon Airport/Southern European Logistics Hub, Canada CentrePort, Mid-California International Trade District, UK Logistics Hub, and the California AutoTech Testing and Development Center.
Adam has experience in the public and private sectors in senior leadership roles in airport, seaports, infrastructure, property development and economic development. He is leading planned and delivered large infrastructure and property projects such as the redevelopment of a 350-acre site to an airport investment technology and logistics district, a new $600 million marine terminal & 1200-acre international logistics park and the development of a port hinterland district around the UK’s largest ports complex. Adam has led GLDPartners major projects including the Atlanta Aerotropolis, Alaska-Asia Global Air Cargo Investment Hub, North America Ecommerce hub airport project, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Investment/Economic Development, Texas Inland Port, Utah Global TradePort, CentrePort Trimodal Development District (Canada), Humber Development and Infrastructure Delivery (UK), M5 Marine Highway, Florida Seaport Investment Project, Lyon St Exupery Airport and Logistics District (France) and the Arizona Border International Development Center. Adam leads GLDPartners’ on-retainer relationship with the New York City Economic Development Corporation, and CalPERS Pension Fund Investments.
Adam has project delivery and public policy experience in North America and Europe leading efforts to gain support from the US federal government, UK Government and the EU. Adam has held senior positions leading economic project investment bodies in the US in New York, Baltimore, Washington DC and UK and is responsible for delivering $5.5 billion in project investment.
He has a Master’s degree in Environmental Planning/Finance and a Bachelors in real estate and finance from Arizona State University. He has completed training in international finance from the Export-Import Bank of the US and earned further credentials from Loyola College and New York University in international trade. Adam has long been involved with the International Economic Development Council, American Association of Port Authorities, British Urban Regeneration Association, US Chamber of Commerce Maritime Committee, Coalition for America’s Gateway’s and Corridors and the European Development Association.